My 2 cents, 5 Tahun 5 Bulan is an easy read with a simple plot. I can even picture all the characters inside despite of never seeing them. I lost count of how many times i grinned and smiled to myself while reading this novel. However just like before, it gave me the same overload sweetness minus the load of sugar, of course😝. I've read this novel a few years back but reread it again recently during MCO time. All in all, luv it!!! Hlovate's writing is definitely different from others and that made Hlovate unique! Continue to be that n only that n u'll definitely stands out from others n u're definitely one of my fav authors now. I especially like the phrase "ALONG SAYANG ANA" AC.A.I.R. I was in Cloud 9, smiling and chuckling all the while during my reading. The wait reaaaally stressed me out but u know what? It was worth the wait because of the such sweet sweet ending. What I meant by tiring is tiring sebab lambat sgt masing2 nak luah prasaan n too much thinking of "WHAT IF". Kalau tak, sampai sudah I kenek kutuk dengan Fans Hlovate. Nasib baik Gobokairina ada komen my review. kenapa my review kluar sparuh je? Mesti diehard fan Hlovate hangen nih. Waaaah if any of the author's fan is reading this review, mesti i dah kena sumpah berbakul.

Many said this author's books are awesome. 1st time ever reading this author's book.