However, before making the adjustments, it is usually better to shut down the laptop and restart with the following booting option: immediately after switching on the power and before the appearance of Apple logo on the screen, press down Command, alt/Option, P and R keys at the same time till laptop starts booting. Generally, adjusting the input volume and checking ‘use ambient noise reduction’ on the laptop could solve the buzzing sound experienced in GarageBand. How to eliminate a buzzing sound that is heard when using GrangeBand on Mac laptop with OS X 10.6.8? Read below where questions have been asked to Experts on the functionality of GarageBand and how to solve various GarageBand related problems. However, the damage need not be irreversible if one seeks solutions and asks questions on the working of GarageBand.

It comes with an immense possibility for creativity, but at times either a glitch in the software or insufficient mastery of the application could mar the precious creation.

GarageBand is an application that allows users to create, record or play music.